Your Dream or Mine: The Next Chapter

What is stopping you from pursuing your dreams?

March 22, 2024 Laura Cruise Episode 175

If you were to sit in my office with me and I asked you the question, what is stopping you from pursuing your dreams, what would you say?

If your answer would be around fear, lack of confidence, fear of failure, worry about what other people will think etc then I hear ya! These are common blocks but they are ones that you can absolutely get over.

If you are ready to stop letting fear hold you back then get in touch and let me help you to move forward - work with me one to one through The Transformation or join The Dream Life Academy, my combined mindset coaching programme and community. Just click the links and sign up! 

As always, if  you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a five star review, this helps others to find the podcast much more easily. 

See you next time my fellow dreamer...